Fenestration Review

News Codes & Standards
NFRC seeking Accreditation Policy Committee volunteers

July 7, 2022  By NFRC

The Accreditation Policy Committee (APC) is seeking a volunteer to serve as an Executive Member. Since the APC oversees the laboratory accreditation and certified simulator programs, members affiliated with accredited simulation or testing laboratories are not eligible.

In addition to this seat, the APC is seeking to fill a recent vacancy for a simulation laboratory member to serve as the representative of the NFRC accredited simulation laboratory community.

The APC oversees NFRC’s LAP and CEAP, providing policy interpretations, deliberating on appeals, recommending modifications to LAP and CEAP, approving the accreditation of labs, and granting approval to ACEs. APC’s Lab Representatives are needed to improve the laboratory accreditation program.

Contact the APC Chair John McFee (jmcfee@wdma.com) or APC staff liaison Dennis Anderson (danderson@nfrc.org) if interested in serving on the APC.

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