Business Intelligence
StatsCan building permits report: February 2018
April 12, 2018 By StatsCan
April 12, 2018 – Canadian municipalities issued $8.2 billion in building permits in February (-2.6%), following a 5.2% gain in January. Single-family homes as well as the commercial and institutional components saw lower levels of construction intentions in February.
Residential sector: The value of permits for single-family dwellings declines
The value of permits for single-family dwellings decreased 1.6% (-$41.3 million) in February, largely due to Ontario where intentions fell 6.9% (-$84.2 million) compared with January. The census metropolitan areas (CMAs) of Toronto (-13.6% or -$67.1 million) and Oshawa (-64.7% or -$65.7 million) posted the largest declines.
Nationally, the value of multi-family dwellings rose 1.0%. Six provinces posted increases in February, led by Alberta. The value of permits for multi-family dwellings in Alberta rose 46.9% (+$108.6 million), nearly offsetting the 19.0% (-$109.3 million) decline in Quebec. Despite a 4.2% decline in the province of British Columbia, the value of multi-family dwelling permits in the of Vancouver rose 4.2% to $548.6 million. Construction intentions for multi-family dwellings in Vancouver remained strong, posting a value above $500 million for the third consecutive month.
The value of building permits declined in Quebec in February following two monthly increases. Every component except the industrial component and single-family dwellings declined. The value of permits for multi-family dwellings posted the largest decline (-$109.3 million), stemming mainly from apartment building intentions for the of Montréal.
The value of building permits declined 3.2% in Ontario to $3.3 billion in February, following a strong January (+12.1%). Every component was down except the industrial component and multi-family dwellings. The value of permits for single-family dwellings posted the largest decline (-$84.2 million or -6.9%).
Alberta reported an increase in every building component in February except for commercial and industrial structures. The residential sector rose by 20.5% to $838.9 million in February, primarily a result of higher construction intentions for multi-family dwellings.
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