Association News
Holiday cheer with Fenestration Manitoba
December 21, 2023 By Fenestration Manitoba
Fenestration Manitoba held its annual Holiday Party and Speaker event on Dec. 12 at Prairie’s Edge in Kildonan Park. The facility has great views of the skating pond and is surrounded by the largest elm, spruce and oak trees in Manitoba. The light snow fall also added to the Christmas scenery along with food and drinks inside the restaurant .
Guest speakers were Peter Kidd and Katrina Senyk for Efficiency Manitoba. Efficiency Manitoba is a crown corporation that is involved in reducing hydro electricity and natural gas consumption in the Province of Manitoba . They have been a reliable source of giving financial incentives and performance advice to the residential and commercial renovation projects in the province. These incentives help people move to renovate their buildings and homes to install better windows that must meet a certain criteria to reduce energy consumption. With the Federal Greener Homes program perhaps coming to an end it is important to solidify and increase the incentives. Fenestration Manitoba continues to work with Efficiency Manitoba to make sure the future for incentives for people to install the best possible windows and doors in Canada , especially those made in Manitoba.
The evening was also a time of gratitude to the success that the window and door manufactures in Manitoba had in 2023. Some suppliers were also present and were appreciated for their support in the development with manufactures in making better products more efficiently .
The joy of seeing so many owners and managers together in harmony in wishing everyone an outstanding year in 2024 was a great symbol of what made window and door manufactures thrive in the province of Manitoba .
Thank you to our Executive Director, Marcie Wilson, for putting the event together .
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