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Articles Business Intelligence
New CCOHS microsite aims to help Canadians prepare for infectious disease outbreak

November 10, 2017  By CCOHS

Nov. 10, 2017 –  The Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS) has released a microsite full of tools and resources to help workplaces and communities minimize the impact of flu and infectious disease outbreaks.

Featuring a mobile friendly layout and design, the Flu and Infectious Disease Outbreaks site provides information, tips, and resources intended to help keep workplaces operational and people healthy, working, and thriving during a widespread flu outbreak, or a pandemic.

The website acts as a gateway to information from credible sources across Canada on topics such as business continuity planning, infection prevention and control, and personal protective equipment, to name a few.

The Flu and Infectious Disease Outbreaks website can be found at www.ccohs.ca/outbreaks.


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