Fenestration Review

PPWBS releases new safety stickers

July 30, 2015  By Patrick Flannery

July 30, 2015 – The Partners Promoting Window and Balconey Safety have released updated screen safety stickers. The new stickers feature an improved design and are available through screen component distributors or can be ordered on the PPWBS website. The PPWBS has also sent thousands of them to EMS groups, property managers and home owners in hopes they will affix them to existing screens. “With several falls from second- and third-floor windows and highrises, there is an obvious need to educate parents and care givers,” said Jim Parker, PPWBS chair.

The former stickers were black and white on a white and black background. The new sticker is red and black on a white background. The new sticker was selected by surveys done at the Windoor show and with consultations with window manufacturers and  EMS groups. EMS people said that “danger” in red colour was what people would best recognize. Also, “danger” is the same in French and English where “warning” is not.

The web sites have added content to encourage education about the dangers of children falling through screens. The safety sites had over 116,000 hits in 2014 and continue to grow in 2015.

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