Fenestration Review

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Adamson joins Fenestration Canada technical team

March 1, 2021  ByPatrick Flannery

Fenestration Canada has announced Terry Adamson, outgoing president of the association and technical director of Westeck Windows and Doors in Chiliwack, B.C., will be joining the association as a full-time technical director, working with Al Jaugelis, the current technical director.

“This appointment aims to help our member companies successfully navigate the challenges created by the accellerating pace of change in the regulatory environment,” said Stephane Labelle, FenCan executive director. “This addition will help us achieve our strategic plan to enhance our capability to help our members with educational and technical support and to engage meaningfully with regulators and other industry stakeholders.”

Adamson is a 35-year veteran of the fenestration industry, having risen from the loading dock at Westeck to become technical director 10 years ago. He has been heavily involved in industry associations including the Fenestration Association of BC and Fenestration Canada, serving terms as president in each.

Adamson has resigned from the Fenestration Canada board to take this position, resulting in Mike Bruno of Everlast Windows taking over immediately as president and Cam Drew of Thermoproof Windows becoming first vice-president. Nominations are open for second-vice president and for other director positions on the Fenestration Canada board.

The ceremonial pepper mill was shipped from BC to Bruno in Toronto where he unpacked it online during the video announcement of the transition.

“I believe I bring something new to Fenestration Canada and its technical department,” Adamson commented. “My view of all things technical is from the trenches, with hands-on implementation of the rules, regulations, codes and standards and their challenges and how they impact manufacturers and their businesses.”

“By doubling our technical department we felt as a board that we’d be better positioned to help all our members across the country to confront change,” said Bruno. “We felt it was important that we be engaged early on in the process; that we could go to our members, look at it, say does it make sense from a carbon footprint perspective, from a cost perspective. The beauty of what we’ve created here today is we have experts from the fabrication side like Terry and the technical side like Al and it brings both those aspects together. The members with five people that built 30 windows a day are just as important as the ones that build 1,000 windows a day.”

Adamson will begin officially in May.

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