Fenestration Review

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FenBC Technical Conference – updated program

February 14, 2017  By Fenestration BC

Feb. 14, 2017 – Fenestration BC has released updated details of its education program, coming Feb. 21 to the Sheraton Guildford in Surrey, B.C. All sessions are eligible for Architectural Institute of British Columbia learning credits.


  • BC Stretch and Step Codes – the effect on Windows under Part 3 and Part 9
  • BC Windows Labelling Requirements in teh Energy Efficiency Standards Regulation (EESR)
  • Update High Performance Window Certification Program (HPWCP)
  • Improved Fenestration in MURB’s 6 Storeys and under in Vancouver.
  • Net Zero Ready Buildings and Homes
  • When Triple Pane Windows Actually Save Buildings Money (as well as emissions)
  • Mega Trends – Health & Wellness, SmartHomes, Energy Efficient Window Systems.
  • The Tradition and Science of Window Installation and the Evolution with More Highly Insulated Walls
  • “NAFS and Commercial Products” a white paper
  • FENBC Spandrel Modeling Guide

Each session has .5 AIBC Core Learning Units applied for a total of 4.5 LU’s.

NEW – Each session is now eligible for .5 Continuing Professional Development credits from BC Housing.

The Technical Conference will also include the Fenestration Association of BC’s Annual General Meeting. AGM will be held during the lunch break.

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